Latest News

We’re a busy Institute which likes to engage with our members, either face-to-face during our schedule of events or by keeping tabs with what we’re up to.

You’ll find here a snapshot of what we’ve been up to recently, from our members’ CSR programmes, to efforts to raise awareness of the industry and how we share and promote better knowledge and techniques throughout the world of demolition engineering.

NFDC Talks: Intelligent Demolition planning

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and National Federation of Demolition Contractors (NFDC) have joined forces to announce a comprehensive demolition planning masterclass for clients tendering demolition works. Born from collaboration between the two...

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Visit to Stebbing Primary School, Essex

A massive thank you to Davinder Reehal MIDE, who continues with his popular school tours with a visit to Stebbing Primary School in Essex. The Primary School children were treated to an engaging, exciting and informative assembly where they had the opportunity to...

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