Jacobs is working with Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) on the Controlled Waste Demolition Norms project.

The aim of this project is to understand the requirements of, and define the scope for a project aimed at developing a tool for estimating the volumes and types of controlled waste arising from demolition and decommissioning projects.

We are looking for input across all the NDA estate, as this is primarily focusing on the nuclear industry.

For more information on the project, see the Jacobs website: https://www.jacobs.com/

If anybody is interested in finding out further information, or would like to provide input to this project, please contact Jane Prosser. See here for Jane’s contact details:

Jane Prosser, MIDE, MAPM, BABM(Hons) | Jacobs | Decommissioning Consultant | M:+44(0)7468491927 | jane.prosser@jacobs.com
The West Wing, 1 Glass Wharf | Bristol, BS2 0EL | UK
Energy, Security & Technology | Field Solutions UK