IDE Full Member, Davinder Reehal and his colleagues from John F Hunt Ltd participated in yet another successful Careers Day at Prior Western School in London EC1. During their visit they carried out a presentation to 90 primary school children that covered the benefits of a career in the Demolition industry.  They talked the children through general Health & Safety involved in both Construction and Demolition sites, design of Temporary Works – which included a quiz on temporary and permanent works – a presentation of a Blow Down project in Glasgow and finally an overview of works to date at the 1 Liverpool Street project.

At the end of the presentation they gave the children STEM sets of Lego and K’Nex as well as some merchandise provided by the IDE.

The school were very pleased with the success of the event and commented “Thank you so much to all of you for the wonderful assembly today.  The children absolutely loved it!.  The gifts were so kind as well.  There are lots of happy children going home with pencils, pens and badges today!”

Once again the IDE would like to thank Davinder and John F Hunt for their support and commitment to promoting the Demolition industry to the younger generation.