A massive thank you to Davinder Reehal MIDE, who continues with his popular school tours with a visit to Stebbing Primary School in Essex.

The Primary School children were treated to an engaging, exciting and informative assembly where they had the opportunity to learn all about civil engineering, specifically focusing on Davinder’s speciality, Demolition – which the children loved. Following the assembly the children continued their education by watching videos of buildings being destroyed.

The school thanked Davinder for the incredibly generous gifts that were handed out within the assembly. This included a selection of goodies provided by the Institue of Demolition Engineers,  from notepads, styluses and memory sticks to bags, pencils and – best of all (according to the children) – two Lego Technic sets donated by John F Hunt Ltd.  The school confirmed that children from Year 6 have taken on the challenge to take it in turns to construct the intricate models.

Assistant Headteacher, Mr Le Masurier  commented “Thank you for helping to inspire the next generation of civil engineers!”

The event was another great success and afterwards a quote was noted by a Year 6 child  “Can he come back to do assembly every week?”