Best Paper Award

Whether you are a member of the Institute of Demolition Engineers or not you are invited to enter the Best Paper Award.

A) Best Paper (Open to all)
B) Best Paper from a Student

£500 in each category

There is no set title or subject for the paper. However the subject must be of relevance to demolition engineering. The wide range of subjects to be found in the British Standard BS 6187:2011 Code of Practice for Demolition could be used as a guide to suitable subjects.
It is expected that papers will consist of a minimum of (but not limited to) 3000-4000 words, plus illustrations etc. and all papers must include referencing in the Harvard Style.
Entrants for the Student Best Paper Award will be expected to provide proof that they are studying at a recognized university or college.

Closing Date:
The final date for submission of papers will be 20th September 2023

Papers should be sent to
The Institute of Demolition Engineers (BPA)
Office 2 Innovation Studios Medway
1044 Canal Road
Kent ME2 4DT
01634 790548

A small panel of judges will be formed from the Council of Management.

Please note:
The papers will become the property of the Institute of Demolition Engineers who may publish them on their website. Credit will be given to the author.